How does Church Finder have the largest audience of people looking for a church in my city?
Because most people start their search for a new church home on Google, Bing or Yahoo, and we are currently ranking on the 1st page for hundreds of search terms in many U.S. cities. Once people find they love the Church Profile and Church Reviews – all unique to
Today, people make decisions about everything – what to buy, where to eat – and even which churches to visit! ChurchFinder is the #1 church reviews site!
We have invested thousands of hours over the past 5 years building the largest audience of people looking for a church. So when you get ChurchFinder Pro, your church benefits from thousands of hours already invested by a team of digital marketing experts!
The result is hundreds of people in many U.S. cities every month using Church Finder to help them decide on which churches to visit. Because of our low-pricing for churches, there is no better value for your marketing dollar than ChurchFinder Pro. And if you have a good church – if at least 10% of the visitors become tithing members – just from a financial perspective you may get over 1000% return on your investment!